The proposed working trip by Singapore Police Force (SPF) to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia discussed on the preparation of the 37th ASEANAPOL Conference has been successfully held on 02 March 2017 at The Federal Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Working Trip attended by representatives from SPF, led by DAC Chua Chee Wai, Director International Cooperation Department, Supt. Arthur Kwan, Assistant Director International Policy Division, Mr. Amri Bin Amin, Mr. Muhamad Iqbal, Mr. Royston Ho and from Royal Malaysia Police (RMP) represented by SAC Dato’ Muhammad Anil Shah Head of IRD, RMP and DSP Nik Ezanee, Implementation Officer, IGP Secretariat, RMP. The ASEANAPOL Secretariat represented by its Executive Director, Police Brigadier General Yohanes Agus Mulyono, Director for Police Services PSSUPT Ferdinand RP Bartolome and Director for Plans and Programmes ACP Aidah Bt. Othman and staff.

Firstly, DSP Nik Ezanee, Implementation Officer IGP Secretariat, RMP been briefing learning journey about RMP’s 36th ASEANAPOL Conference which was held in Kuala Lumpur. Issues that have been touched are on conference venue, protocol, conference procedure, conference programme, safety and security etc.

Soon after, DAC Chua Chee Wai from SPF discussed about 37TH ASEANAPOL Conference Meetings that touched on the conference’s agenda, meeting proceedings, conference programme, meeting attire, Interpreter Services and other matters.