On 19-20 December 2017, United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament (UNRCPD) in collaboration with the Government of Cambodia held a two-day seminar on illicit trafficking and diversion of small arms and light weapons (SALW) in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
ASEANAPOL Secretariat represented by its Head of Administration and Technical Staff, Superintendent Raiz Mukhliz Azman Aziz together with representatives from various government agencies from ASEAN Member States i.e.; the Customs Department, Immigration and Police discussed the latest trends on Small Arms Light Weapons (SALW) diversion and illicit arms trade in the region.
As the representative from ASEANAPOL Secretariat, Supt. Raiz gave a presentation and insights on matters with regards to arms smuggling as part of the 13 cores areas of crime discussed at the annual ASEANAPOL Conferences and how ASEANAPOL Secretariat serves as the Centre for Strategic Regional Cooperation among Police Forces in South East Asia.
The main objectives of the seminar among others is to:
(i) Facilitate discussions among representatives from Law Enforcement Agencies of the ASEAN Member Countries and Timor-Leste on current National Law and Regional Challenges with regards to illicit trafficking and diversion of SALW
(ii) Create opportunity to share effective practices already in place in these domains
(iii) Promote increased cooperation amongst invited countries
(iv) To develop joint measures on consolidating efforts in preventing the illicit trafficking and diversion of SALW and conventional arms more effectively
(v) Seek possibilities for elaborating a joint workplan for all ASEAN Member States and Timor-Leste as well as the further proceeding on the draft ASEAN Convention Against Trafficking in Firearms.
All information provided during the seminar by International Experts and representatives from United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and United Nations Office for Drugs and Crimes (UNODC) is beneficial for all Member States to further enhance and develop their National Legislation and Control System. The workshop would also provide new impetus on National discussion on position towards the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).
The seminar has definitely provided participants with the relevant information regarding the actual trends and developments with regard to SALW diversion and illicit arms trade, promote regional communication and dialogue, promote national reporting under the UN PoA, and UNROCA and finally provided participants with information regarding key international instruments on SALW control, including ATT, alleviating concerns about ATT and positively influencing the respective consideration process in South East Asia.