27 August 2019 marks another momentous event in the history of the ASEANAPOL Secretariat when the Honourable IG Dato’ Seri Abdul Hamid Bin Bador, the Inspector General of Police (IGP) of the Royal Malaysia Police (RMP), the Host of Permanent ASEANAPOL Secretariat and the Honourable CP Dato Paduka Seri Haji Mohammad Irwan Bin Haji Hambali, the Commissioner of Police (CP) of Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF), the Current Chairman of ASEANAPOL, made their official visit to the Secretariat’s office.
They were welcomed by Police Colonel Kenechanh Phommachack, the Executive Director of ASEANAPOL Secretariat and its Directors, Officers and Staff of the Secretariat.
The official visit commenced with the Executive Director expressing his gratitude and appreciation to both ASEANAPOL key persons, who had spared time of their busy schedule to visit the office of the Secretariat. The Executive Director then shared on the current ASEANAPOL activities and briefed on other matters to be reported at the upcoming 39th ASEANAPOL Conference, to be held in Hanoi, Viet Nam, 16-20 September 2019.
As the Host of the permanent ASEANAPOL Secretariat, Hon. Dato’ Seri Abdul Hamid bin Bador reiterated his pledge of full support to ASEANAPOL and encouraged the Secretariat to enhance its role in ensuring ASEANAPOL remains relevant as a notable regional policing stakeholder.
On the same note, the Hon. Dato Paduka Seri Haji Mohammad Irwan also expressed his utmost gratitude and appreciation to the Secretariat in effectively executing the roles and functions of the Secretariat during his tenure as the Current Chairman of ASEANAPOL. He hoped that the Secretariat would continue to perform its best to promote and advance internationally as a strong police organization in the South East Asia region.
The ASEANAPOL Secretariat is truly honoured with the presence of the two Chiefs of Police and re-enforced its commitment to continue enhance its role as the main actor in coordinating, cooperating and collaborating with all ASEANAPOL Dialogue Partners, Observers, policing stakeholders and other like-minded entities, lifting ASEANAPOL to a greater height towards accomplishing its vision of “TOGETHER WE KEEP THIS REGION SAFE”.