With the aim of enhancing its partnership on peace and security matters and to explore new cooperation areas between Gulf Cooperation Council Police (GCCPOL) and ASEAN National Police (ASEANAPOL) Secretariat in terms of Transnational Organized Crimes (TOC) and its initiatives in areas of common interest such as Cybercrime, Illicit Drug Trafficking, Terrorism and others security areas during COVID -19 pandemic, a “ Virtual Joint Extraordinary Meeting between GCCPOL & ASEANAPOL Secretariat ” was held on 12 May 2020, hosted by GCCPOL, between 10:00 – 11:00 AM (Malaysia Time Zone) and participated by:
The virtual meeting started with an opening remark by Colonel Mubarak Saeed Alkhyeli, Director of GCCPOL and followed by Deputy Assistant Commissioner Jim Wee, the Executive Director of ASEANAPOL Secretariat.
Colonel Mubarak Saeed Alkhyeli and Deputy Assistant Commissioner Jim Wee had expressed their gratitude to each other for hosting and accepting the virtual meeting invitation and also to all team members for their presence in the meeting. Both Head of Delegations emphasized the importance of having close relationship and had highlighted their confidence to strengthen the existing ties and explore new cooperation areas of crime especially during the COVID -19 pandemic which significantly and drastically changing the law enforcement landscape.
Both the Director and Executive Director then welcomed the team members to introduced themselves. The representatives of GCCPOL and ASEANAPOL Secretariat introduced themselves in that meet and greeted session.
The Meeting which was presided by the COL. Mubarak Saeed Alkhyeli then shared the crime situation in Gulf region during the pandemic of COVID-19. During his sharing, he expressed his concerned regarding the emerging of cyberthreats, coordination among others regional policing entities and action plan during and after the recent pandemic crisis. He also opined that there is an essential for each regional policing bodies to assist law enforcement agencies to identify the challenges facing police across different regions to mitigate the effect of COVID – 19 related crimes.
Later the ASEANAPOL Secretariat made their briefing, explaining the ASEANAPOL Member Countries action and measures taken during the recent pandemic. It was informed that the ASEANAPOL Secretariat had working closely with its Member Countries on sharing the best policing practices during movement restriction with guidelines which adapted/practice by the Korean National Police Agency and taking preventive measures as recommended by others international entities such as The International Criminal Police Organization (ICPO-INTERPOL), European Association for Secure Transaction (EAST) and Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre for Combating Illicit Trafficking of Narcotic Drug, Psychotropic Substances (CARRICC) on trafficking of drug and cyber / credit card fraud activities during this challenging period. The ASEANAPOL Secretariat also stressed the importance of leveraging the capacity building by encouraging Member Countries to participate with international course training webinar, for the benefit of all especially in the ASEANAPOL curriculum and training needs.
The common cooperation areas of both entities were discussed during the meeting and acknowledged that a limitless cyberspace, zero boundaries and eroding national borders is just the beginning of cyber threats. With billions of people under lockdown and spending most of the time at home during the pandemic, criminals are going online to make easy money. Money oriented crime cases such as scams, online fraud, impersonating, phishing, telecom fraud, fake news, eclipsing even transporting drug activities and online gambling are increased widely. Some of the cybercriminals also have been exploiting fears around the COVID-19 outbreak to conduct such crimes. Hence, it is imperative that both parties to find tune to the solutions, finding mechanism that enable law enforcement agencies to work closer to exchange information and apprehend the criminals.
In response, DAC Jim Wee emphasized that ASEANAPOL Secretariat is keen to opens the opportunity for coordination with GCCPOL as ASEANAPOL Observers in sharing and exchange of timely information on such crimes during and after the pandemic. By referring to the emerging phenomena / potential crime that could arise during this period, it would be possible for each other to focus and preparing on setting targets and steps for the next coordination.
The participants expressed their confidence and acknowledge all decisions agreed upon.
The meeting ended with both Head of Delegation expressing their appreciation for all the delegates active participation and support throughout the discussion. The virtual meeting ended on 12th May 2020 at 11:00 AM.