by Suhasini Gunasagaran | Sep 04, 2020

While drug trafficking remains as one of the main threat to the national security and with the aim of enhancing its existing cooperation on tackling Transnational Organized Crimes (TOC) together with its initiatives in areas of common interest in South East Asia region, an inaugural dialogue between ASEANAPOL Secretariat and Narcotic Enforcement Department / Agencies of ASEANAPOL Member Countries (AMCs) was held on 27 August 2020, between 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM (Kuala Lumpur Time Zone).


The dialogue, which was hosted virtually by ASEANAPOL Secretariat, commenced with an opening remark by the Honourable Police Major General Do Van Hoanh, Director General of the Office of Investigation Police Agency, Ministry of Public Security, Viet Nam cum the Current Chairman of ASEANAPOL and followed by the speech from the Executive Director of ASEANAPOL Secretariat, Deputy Assistant Commissioner Jim Wee. In his introductory remarks, Police Major General Do Van Hoanh shared the trafficking activities situation worldwide in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and reiterated his desire as a Current Chairman of ASEANAPOL for an agreement by consensus from all AMCs on the matters that will discuss in this platform especially on the most practical method to fight against Illicit Drug Trafficking.

By thanking on the motivational remark by the Current Chairman of ASEANAPOL, the Executive Director of ASEANAPOL Secretariat then delivered his opening speech by emphasizing Secretariat office roles during pandemic situation by initiating a concept note focusing on the issues of tackling against Illegal Drug Trafficking which will be further deliberated amongst the respective Narcotic Crime Enforcement Department/ Division of AMCs during the platform.


This two-hour dialogue session then continues with a concept note presentation by the Director for Police Services of ASEANAPOL Secretariat, Senior Superintendent Joni Getamala and followed by the country overviews on tackling the trafficking drug issues during pandemic of COVID-19 by the delegation from Narcotic Crime Department / Agencies of each AMCs.


Significant issues were discussed and the session was indeed fruitful in that it harmonisers in order to streamline strategic coordination and flexible mechanism strategic plan towards optimizing global response to evolving threats.