1. 1st Korea – ASEAN International Crime Capacity Building Program – hosted by Korean National Police Agency (KNPA) was held from 15 - 19 November, 2021. The program was attended by the officers from the Royal Malaysia Police (RMP), Cambodia National Police (CNP), Indonesia National Police (INP), Philippine National Police (PNP), Royal Thai Police (RTP), and Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam, and also representatives from INTERPOL and ASEANAPOL Secretariat. It was also participated by Singapore Police Force (SPF) and Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF) via virtual platform.
2. The program aimed to nurture and strengthening AMCs’ knowledge in international police cooperation and mutual assistance against transnational crimes. The theme selected was on ‘Fostering Mutual Assistance against New Forms of Cyber-financial Crimes’. The program provided various lectures and consisted of various expert panel discussions from Korean National Police University (KNPU), Professor JUNG Hye Ryun (as the moderator), Expert from KNPA Sen. Insp. Sang Eun LEE, Expert from RMP, Assistant Commissioner Police Mohd Mahidisham, Expert from INTERPOL, Mr. Franky Cheung and Expert from Academia, Professor Yong Chul PARK.
3. The input from lectures and panel discussion in essence had not only enhanced Korean and ASEANAPOL's policing capabilities against transnational crimes but also provide opportunities in exploring new fields in the ambit of police cooperation.
4. The program was very much well received by the participants as most topics presented during the program had stimulated high interests and generating encouraging interactions amongst participants. Evidently, the program had met expectations in widening good and in-depth understanding on Current Cybercrime Trends and Cooperation for Cybersecurity.
5. As part of the continuation of partnership with KNPA, our ASEANAPOL Dialogue Partner, Secretariat is already in coordination with KNPA to have annual program for AMCs in the coming years.