The Chief of Party, USAID Reducing Demand for Wildlife, Mr. Peter Collier accompanied by his Deputy Chief of Party, Ms. Nives Mattich and Senior Technical Advisor, Mr Sulme Warne, made their visit to the ASEANAPOL Secretariat (AS) in Kuala Lumpur on 24th August 2022 and were warmly welcomed by the Executive Director of ASEANAPOL Secretariat, Pol. Brig. Gen. Zaw Lin Tun, Director for Police Services, Police Senior Superintendent Joni Getamala, Director for Plans and Programmes, Superintendent Tang Yik Tung and fellow officers.
The visit was highlighted by a brief presentation of each other’s organizational mandate and how it could help and assist each other’s goals, objectives and possibly synchronize efforts in the pursuance of respective entities / bodies and was followed by a discussion focused on area of potential cooperation such as mainstreaming counter wildlife crime through various training tools and information sharing that necessitates a multi - agency and multinational approach. Since accorded a like-minded entities title with ASEANAPOL, Mr. Peter Collier reiterated USAID commitment to its partnership and relation with ASEAN regional policing bodies to reducing transnational environmental crime and continue to aimed at strengthening collaboration, planning and cooperation towards ending the trade in illegal wildlife and protecting biodiversity which will benefit of all ASEANAPOL Member Countries (AMCs). On behalf of Secretariat, Pol. Brig. Gen. Zaw Lin Tun has sought the keenness from the perspective to retain the skills and knowledge for the sake of AMCs as to keep the Southeast ASEAN continent safe by exploring potential activities to be pursued with the aim of further strengthening collective responses to combating wildlife crime.
Mr. Peter Collier in addition further shared that USAID Wildlife will organize two international events namely Regional Meeting of Law Enforcement Agencies Supporting Counter Wildlife Trafficking in Southeast Asia and CWT Partnership Forum which tentatively to be held respectively on October and December 2022. He hopes that the dedicated proactive event will inspire ASEANAPOL to participate in response to the emerging wildlife crime threats across and between regions.
The visit was indeed fruitful in harmonising the future collaboration between both parties and looking forward for a brighter working relationship in the days to come.