Three (3) years after the onset of devastating pandemic of COVID-19 since year 2020, the 37th ASEANAPOL Database System Technical Committee (ADSTC) Meeting finally resumed to normalcy from 21st - 22nd February 2023 in Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia. With the aim in overseeing the implementation of the systems’ development and its enhancement stages, the two (2) days meeting saw the full participation of ASEANAPOL Member Countries (AMCs) with active deliberating on matters related to the enhancement modules of the electronic – ASEANAPOL Database System or e-ADS.
The meeting was inaugurated by the Guest of Honour (GoH), His Excellency Police Lieutenant General Chhay Kimkhoeun, Deputy Commissioner General of Cambodian National Police. In the remark, he commended that the launch of e-ADS 2.0 reflected the progress of advanced technology of ASEAN Police Forces. Towards the aspire, all delegates are conceptualized to formulate workable principles in establishing the most relevant mechanism for the mutual benefits besides gathering the ideas in developing of the Terms of Reference (ToR) for Electronic ASEANAPOL Database System (e-ADS) in fledgling the future utilization of the system. In respond to the aspiration highlighted in the remarks by the GoH, Director for Plans & Programmes (DPP) of ASEANAPOL Secretariat (AS), Police Senior Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Huu Ngoc anticipated for the constructive and advantageous deliberation amongst the working committee members throughout the outlined agenda towards assuring the meeting objective and its goals are achievable.
The meeting which was chaired by Police Major General Ly Davuth, Deputy Chief of Staffs of Cambodian National Police and co-chaired by DPP of AS then commenced with report on the utilization of e-ADS appointed vendor, Connexion Solution Sdn Bhd (CSSB) followed on the update of e-ADS system on progress development of scheduled enhancement module by AS. In-line with the adopted resolution that has been agreed upon during the 39th and 40th ASEANAPOL Conference, the meeting endure with an introduction tutorial by CSSB and AS inclusive of showcase, hands-on and commentary session for each dedicated / future module. Verities of constructive feedback was received from the meeting members which later motivated AS in further developing the most reliable communication tools in exploring the intelligence - led policing through the database.
To conclude the meeting, presentation on the draft of Terms of Reference (TOR) of e-ADS by AS then took place whereby all the attendees contributed their inventive and discerning comments / inputs through a fair deliberation which escalate the needs in the process of validates the outlines documents during the upcoming ASEANAPOL Conference.
As the effectiveness and reliability of the e-ADS depends on the total commitment of all AMCs to utilize the system, the meeting in consensus reiterated the necessity in response to the crime’s emerging phenomena and its potential crime that may arise henceforward, thus it would be possible for the regional policing entity such as ASEANAPOL to focus and preparing on setting targets and formulate the most effective approach through real - time information sharing for the next step of action in building a safer and secure community in the ASEAN territory to ensure the regional peace and sustainable stability. As an additional, the effort which was highlighted on the above will shore up on the initiative hold by the INTERPOL through its Dialogue Working Group on Strategic and Operational Aspects of Global Policing Architecture which focusing on the development of Global Operating Model for Data Sharing amongst the regional policing entities as part of the glimpse to be achieved.